World Friendship Games

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Volunteers

    • Will I be paid for accommodation and transport in the host cities?

      We provide free public transportation and accommodation for non-resident and foreign volunteers. Travel to the host city is at your own expense.

    • What time period will volunteers be involved over?

      The period of volunteer involvment will depend on the role chosen. For some positions, shifts start several weeks before the Games, while others are only available during the Games.

    • What role will volunteers have?

      Volunteers will support the organization and holding of competitions in 26 functional areas. You will be able to select your three priority roles during the registration process, which will start in March 2024 and end in July 2024. If you successfully complete all the selection stages, you will be assigned to only one role.

    • Can I volunteer in both cities?

      In the application you will be asked to choose a priority city. If you successfully complete all the selection stages, you will only be assigned to one city.

    • When will the Games take place?

      The World Friendship Games 2024 will take place in Moscow and Ekaterinburg on September 15–29, 2024.