World Friendship Games

World Friendship Games Presented as Part of Moscow Sports Day

Mascot Volunteers
World Friendship Games Presented as Part of Moscow Sports Day

Moscow has traditionally celebrated the city's sports day. The holiday events and activities took place on 6 July at the Luzhniki Sports Complex, the heart of the city’s sports cluster. The venue was divided into different thematic zones and attracted more than 157,000 visitors, including many professional athletes and prominent figures in the sports industry.

One of the thematic zones was dedicated to the World Friendship Games. Visitors were able to learn more about the upcoming event and the World Friendship Games Volunteer Programme, which is currently recruiting volunteers. Anyone interested could apply to take part in the Volunteer Programme. Prospective volunteers were assisted by representatives of the Games’ certified Volunteer Centres at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and Synergy University, as well as Dobryak, the Games mascot. The World Friendship Games Organising Committee prepared souvenir gifts for all the registered volunteer candidates.