World Friendship Games

Beach Volleyball

Beach volleyball is a sport played by two teams on a sandy court separated by a net.

Beach volleyball developed as a separate sport from traditional volleyball. In addition to traditional volleyball players' jumping ability, good reaction, strength and feel for the ball, beach volleyball requires more stamina, as players have to make more frequent jumps and dashes when playing on the sand. Matches can be played in hot temperatures, bright sunshine or rain and strong winds. It is also common for a team to play several games a day. An important quality for the players is their versatility, as they are not divided into roles and are placed freely on the pitch.


Team tournament
Male Female



Beach volleyball originated on the beaches of California in the USA in the early 1920s. Beach volleyball became popular in Europe in 1927. The first official beach volleyball tournament was held in the United States in 1947. In 1965, the California Beach Volleyball Association was formed and developed the first rules of beach volleyball. In 1983, the Association of Volleyball Professionals (AVP) was founded.


In 1986, beach volleyball gained the status of an international sport, and in 1987, the first unofficial world championship was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The first official world championship was held in 1997 in Los Angeles, USA. In 1996, beach volleyball made its debut at the Olympic Games in Atlanta, USA. The first Russian Championships were held in St Petersburg in 1993.


In beach volleyball, a match consists of 2 games. If the score is 1:1, a third and deciding game is played. The first two games are played to 21 points. The team that wins the draw gets one point (draw-point system). If the receiving team wins the raffle, they get one point and the right to serve. Each time this happens, the server must change. The first team to score 21 points (with a difference of 2 points) wins the game. If the score is 20:20, play continues until there is a difference of 2 points. There is no limit to what the score can be under these circumstances. The team that wins two games wins the match. The team is allowed up to three player touches to return the ball (including touching the block).

Top Three Facts


Beach volleyball has a special system of cues to the partner standing on the back line. The player in front makes gestures behind his back to show how the ball will be played.


Russia's Igor Kolodinsky holds the world record for the fastest ball speed when serving (114 kilometres per hour), earning him the nickname "Bazooka".


During a game of beach volleyball, the average athlete can make about 85 jumps, 235 accelerations and run about 775 metres.

Competition Venue


Outdoor Area No. 3, Luzhniki

Festival Alley, Luzhniki

About Venue